Guide to ROBLOX
Gyrozov's Guide to ROBLOX
This is a blog designed to help the everyday ROBLOXian get through their day without needing any coffee. Find us on ROBLOX: Gyroscald or Telezov!
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Game Reveiw : Call of Robloxia
The call of Robloxia is a very interactive and creative game created by ROBLOX users litozinnamon and Shaylan007. The game currently has 31.2 million visits, and is on the front page daily. This action-packed game has people flocking to it because of how realistic and how addicting it is to play. This game, in my opinion, definitely deserves its spot on the front page. This game is definitely addicting, I've currently received more than 2.5k kills from this game. The basics of the game are fairly simple. You customize a few classes for yourself, and use those classes to fight the opposing team with your teammates. Though the concept of the game is simple, the details are extremely complex. There are so many weapon combinations you can use, and you can save four of them as your classes (five if you purchase the game pass). My favorite combination is a nambu as a side arm, and either a M1 carbine or a PTRS-41. Once you get onto a streak, you're probably hooked on this game, I know I am. I play this game daily, meeting fun and interesting people. So, if you're reading this, go to the front page, use the tab on the right to find this game, and play it. I believe it is possible to play this game for hours on end, that's how addicting it is. I know I've stressed that this game is addicting, it's because I mean it. Tell us in the comments how you feel about this game.
[UPDATE] - This game has now been updated, and it looks nothing like this. I personally hate it. It was fine the way it was.
Monday, 30 June 2014
What has the town of ROBLOXia become?
What has come of the town of ROBLOXia? It used to be a fun game where you got a job and explored the map buying houses and meeting friends, but now, it's the Online Dating capitol of ROBLOX. With so many copies of the game existing today, the nostalgic fun of the game has withered and died out. The only people who play this are people just starting out on ROBLOX and people who are looking to online date with each other (Just as I mentioned before). I know that 1dev3's version still exists, but it isn't the same as 1dev2's original place. I think we can all look back on some time that we played on 1dev2's original game and just had the time of our lives (or not). It just shows how far ROBLOX has come, and how much ROBLOX has changed, and not always in a good way. -GyroScald
Game Review : The Mad Murderer

New ROBLOX default look
This is what the old ROBLOX look used to look like (right), versus the new ROBLOX look (left). The old ROBLOX look is the one most of us know and love. It's what we're used to seeing when we started our accounts in the very beginning, but now, there is a new look for when you start out on ROBLOX, and in my opinion, it is just a goldmine for people looking to online date with each other. See, I almost never wear packages, the ones I have are just there and mainly in case I ever happen to want to wear one (which is highly unlikely). Ever since packages stopped being Builders Club only items, more and more NBC players are online dating with each other. And simply the odd look of the new default look just makes me sick to my stomach. I've always hated the 2.0, but the 3.0 is just awful. The only reason I own one is because at one point I used it to do the invisible head glitch (patched). Other than that, I never, ever, use it. I am yet to see a BC play actually wearing the 3.0, and if I have seen one, I must have averted my eyes before I could get a good look at them. This package is just making ROBLOXians look more and more like LEGO figures, what's next, bringing back circle studs? (Which, in my opinion is about a million times better than the 3.0) Since ROBLOX has removed some updates before, I don't see why they don't remove this update. There was nothing wrong with the original default look, so I don't see why it had to be replaced. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
ROBLOX Price floor

Sunday, 29 June 2014
Sealife Tophat
The sealife tophat, ah yes. To be honest this is just about my favorite hat that I own. The thing is, it only has 248 sells in two years. The story of how I 1st learned about it goes back to a day that I was playing a game called 'Fencing' (I'll do another blog post on that game later), and this girl was wearing this top hat, and I thought the tophat looked nice. So, I went and bought the top hat after selling a limited to get the money for it. I wear it very often now-a-days, and I wish more people wore this. What I don't get is why hats this amazing get swept under the rug, and pretty much every BC player who owns a 2.0 package has the Doge hat! I believe that it's not the hat that people don't like, but the price. I can see why nobody is buying this hat. The hat costs 550 robux, and most BC members begged their parents for BC so that they can buy the 2.0 and act like they're better than everyone else (I'm not saying any of you are). Therefore, they spend their money immediately and have never had more than 100 robux at a time. Now, I can see why regular BC members would not want to buy this either, I mean, one time I bought this Tophat for 600 robux, and I never wear it. I just want to raise awareness for it. This is gyro signing out ROBLOXians.
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